Room types
Hotel Salora has 23 rooms for different needs.
Hotel Salora does not have a reception. You don’t need to check in or out of Hotel Salora separately.
You can walk to your room when it suits you after 15:00 with the door code provided by email and/or text message. Please keep in mind that breafast is not included in the price. Should you wish breakfast you have to add breakfast to your reservation. Breakfast is not automatically included in the price. If breakfast is not served you cannot choose it either. Breakast is not served everyday and therefore you can choose under Services and Breakfast to see information on when you can have breakfast! Finnish bankholidays and summer for example make exeptions to breakfast timetables. Welcome!
Book a room!
Welcome to our spacious and modern rooms! Choose room type suitable for your needs! Breakfast is not AUTOMATICALLY included in the price. You will need to manually choose breakfast if you book on our website or if you book at you need to choose the option with breakfast. Breakfast is usually served from Tuesday to Friday 7.30 to 9.00.
ATTN! Breakfast is served during limited dates during June, July and August! Also durin Finnish Bank holidays breakfast is not served!
Please check breakfast timetables under the Services heading and Breakfast on Hotel Salora website!