Contact information
+358 44 777 3999
Salorankatu 5-7
24240 Salo
You can get help from the above phone number regarding room reservations and offers, forgotten items on weekdays from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Outside these hours the phone number is answered by the on-call team, which helps in problem situations. ATTN! You may have to wait in line if our staff is helping other guests at the same time. We’ll call you back if you do not want to wait on the line. Follow the instructions when asked if you want a call back.
The staff at the Hanhivaara sports center Cafe will help you with questions related to accomodation on location during their opening hours. They can also help you with making a reservation and for example extend your reservation and ask for help regarding door codes. Please check Hanhivaara Sports Center timetable.
We will respond to e-mails on the next business day at the latest. Welcome to Hotel Salora!

Parking & car charging
There are two electric car charging units in Astrum Keskus’ yard. Instructions for use can be found on the wall next to the charging units. Parking is free and there is plenty of parking in front of the main entrance! On the map above, you can see the parking areas also for trucks and buses.

After 16 customer service helps only in problem situations.
Hanhivaaras sport center staff is there to help within the limits of opening hours.